All you need to know about our products

Truck Loading
Van Aalst truck loading systems ensure efficient, dust controlled discharging of dry bulk solids into railcars, lorries or trailers.

Ship Loaders
We deliver all equipment for stationary and mobile ship loading terminals. Our ship loaders can load on open or closed holds. Van Aalst Bulk Handling designs all products for your specific situation and according to your wishes. We make no compromises to ensure your bulk handling operations run smoothly.

Storage & Reclaim
Flat bottom silo with aerated reclaim floor guarantees 99% reclaim rate. Silos are bolted steel for fast and easy construction on site. Aerated reclaim floors can be installed in silos and domes and ensure reliable and complete reclaim with almost no maintenance required.

Convey Units
We deliver pneumatic conveying systems with capacities up to 600 tons per hour capable of conveying over lengths up to 1.000 meters. In-plant transfer and intra-terminal transfer of cementitious bulk materials is done dust free without spillage and contamination with Van Aalst Bulk Handling’s convey units.

Road Mobile Ship Unloaders
The road mobile ship unloader offers maximum flexibility and can serve more than one terminal at minimal cost level. Ships and barges up to 7,500 dwt can be unloaded by Van Aalst Bulk Handling road mobile ship unloaders. Unloading capacity up to 230 tons per hour.

Ship Unloaders
We supply high-capacity ship unloaders for dust-free unloading of barges and big ships, with capacities of up to 800 tons per hour. Our ship unloaders can be stationary installations, barge mounted, dock mobile or gantry mounted. Van Aalst Bulk Handling advises and designs the best solution for your specific situation. All installations are made to measure.