INTERCEM ’85 was the world’s first independent, international conference dedicated exclusively to the global cement sector. In the years since, INTERCEM has continued to lead the way convening conferences on five continents and in over 52 locations around the world. Covering more markets across the globe and in greater depth
As the festive season approaches, we want to make sure you’re all set for the holidays! To help you plan your logistics before Christmas, here are some important closing dates: Our Offices and Warehouses will close on Monday 23rd December and will re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2025. Team VABH
United States – We are happy to announce the delivery of a new Van Aalst Bulk Handling mobile Barge Unloader! Our dedicated teams from the USA and the Netherlands have been at the customer site conducting installation, commissioning and operator training, everything from maintanance to barge unloading and cement transfferring
Today, Van Aalst engineers successfully completed yet another project. This time we supplied and commissioned an additional second truck loading station for the 2016 silo project. The customer can now load trucks at maximum speed at two points of the silo simultaneously with the silo being loaded from the ship.
After intensive and detailed engineering, Van Aalst started production of The Reclaimer 3.0. This track-mounted machine will reclaim cement at a rate of 200 tonnes per hour from a flat storage building with discharging it into a day silo. The machine is remote controlled from outside the warehouse, so no
And yet another Convey Unit for a dedicated Van Aalst customer. This unit conveys cementitious bulk materials from under a silo with a capacity of 100 t/h, dust-free over nearly 150 meters to a VRM. Other unique features are no spillage and contamination due to an enclosed system, flexible conveying
Van Aalst Bulk Handling is pleased to receive an order from a well-respected customer to supply this 200-t/h convey unit for sucking fly-ash from two opposite outlets of one silo and simultaneous conveying over more than 500 meters to a receiving facility. This system is completely closed so that there
Van Aalst Bulk Handling BV recently conducted a first commissioning session for cement storage silos and a truck loading equipment project in Aarhus, Denmark. The silo floor includes an embedded floor aeration system and the reclaim equipment is installed to transport cement to the truck loading station. The Van Aalst
Van Aalst Bulk Handling has won a contract to deliver a second ship unloader to one of the largest Cement Manufacturers in Bangladesh. The pneumatic ship unloader is designed to handle fly ash and is built to cope with the hot and humid conditions in Bangladesh. The ship unloader is
Van Aalst has been awarded by BG Cem from Denmark to provide the design and engineering for two aerated floors. Van Aalst will also supply the essential parts such as blowers, valves, aeration cloth, dedusting filter units, as well as the entire electrical control system for the 2 concrete 10,000
With its recent expansion of a 70,000t dome, Beton Provincial’s terminal in Québec, Canada, has become the largest single-user cement terminal in the world. Thanks to its 180,000t of storage capacity it receives cement from two suppliers in the Mediterranean in Supramax vessels, a third domestic supply by self-discharging cement
With pleasure, we would like to announce that PBC Services, Inc. (Houma, LA) is now Van Aalst Bulk Handling Co’s (NL) US representative. By joining forces with PBC, we are enhancing our ability to provide US-based customers with quicker response times on trouble-shooting and repairs as well as providing shorter
Van Aalst Bulk Handling will be delivering a Convey Unit and Ship Loader for MI Cement Bangladesh’ new cement ship loading terminal. The ship loader has been manufactured at our factory in The Netherlands and is currently on its way to the customer. When the equipment arrives Van Aalst will
We feel confident in the assistance of TABS in successfully navigating the U.S. market. Van Aalst Bulk Handling B.V. has been operating in the U.S. for almost twenty years with tailor made solutions for pneumatic loading- and unloading equipment, convey units, railcar- and truck loading equipment, storage and reclaim systems.
On page 69 of the April issue of Dry Cargo International you will find a contribution of Van Aalst Bulk Handling describing the range of products of our ship unloaders. Should you have any questions, our team is ready to answer your bulk handling questions.
Our new test installation just came back from the paint shop and is ready to be assembled! The test installation is capable of simulating a complete pneumatic conveying system for a wide range of products. Vacuum conveying, lean and dense phase positive pressure conveying, air slide conveying, fluidization and dedusting
With this new arm, Essex secures their future and reduces the risk of failures. Thanks to a newly introduced electrical safety program, the Heila manipulator arm itself prevents any errors from the operator or ship. This makes the entire machine more efficient and safer. At the same time, the lifting
Van Aalst Bulk Handling has successfully commissioned another pneumatic ship unloader and convey unit. The design capacities of 230 tph for the ship unloader and 150 tph for the convey unit were well exceeded during a performance test. The ship unloader is equipped with a 20 meter suction arm to
Heila Cranes and, producer of pneumatic ship unloaders, Van Aalst Bulk Handling signed an exclusive cooperation agreement for the cement manipulator product group. The contract for the exclusive worldwide distribution of this type of crane was officially signed on the 27th of May of this year. This contract follows the
The Netherlands