Convey Units

We deliver pneumatic conveying systems with capacities up to 600 tons per hour capable of conveying over lengths up to 1.000 meters. In-plant transfer and intra-terminal transfer of cementitious bulk materials is done dust free without spillage and contamination with Van Aalst Bulk Handling's convey units.

The unique features of our convey units:

  • Dust-free conveying
  • No spillage and contamination due to enclosed system
  • Flexible system – difficult conveying routings are possible at low cost level
  • Small footprint – convey units can be placed underneath silos, conveyor belts or fitted in flat stores.

Get the product where you need it

Our pneumatic convey units can receive product from silos, domes, hoppers and bins and convey it to where your processes require it. Depending on your needs and local situation we can deliver the right solution with our various pneumatic conveying systems:

  • Vacuum conveying
  • Dilute phase positive pressure conveying
  • Dense phase positive pressure conveying


In-plant transfer such as:

  • Silo to vertical roller mill (VRM)
  • Bin to ball mill
  • Hopper to roller press

Intra-terminal transfer such as:

  • Silo/dome/flat store to ship loader or truck loading station
  • Ship unloader to silo/dome/flat store


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Bulk Handling

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